1.It lets information flow freely and ubiquitously -- like water through a town's plumbing -- by metering it out in usable chunks.
2.In France, information flow from the care delivery sector to the occupational medicine sector is often slow or incomplete.
3.The dramatic increase in information flow has been a major influential factor in the financial market over the last decade.
4.It's going to be information flow, and concurrent with that should be the changes in governance, and the changes in the economic system.
5.Due to large enterprises have the industrial park, machining, information flow of information points, equipment and complex circuit etc.
6.In e-commerce, information flow, to flow, the flow of funds through the computer activities can be completed online.
7.Faster search is just one sign of a general increase in the speed of information flow across the Web.
8.The black lines flowing between the stacks in the figures below represent flow of security context not information flow.
9.A few members of the team manage to become bilingual, but they become bottlenecks of information flow, and their translations are inexact.
10.Logistics is defined as 'the task of coordinating material flow, information flow and funds flow across the supply chain'.